Welcome Great-Uncle.

now that's what I call a GG/G/MILF, huh boys?
I don't think Hallmark has cards for such an occasion, so I decided to make one myself. Here is my Welcome Great Uncle card:

Just when I thought you couldn't do anything dumber, you do something like this... and completely redeem yourself!
now that's what I call a GG/G/MILF, huh boys?
I don't think Hallmark has cards for such an occasion, so I decided to make one myself. Here is my Welcome Great Uncle card:
In my elder years I have gotten quite intolerant of the entire human race. It has become pretty much a daily occurrence where people highly annoy me. I think this mind-set has intensified by my recent position at a local retail store.
It's about 11:00am and a lot of things have happened today. La and I decided to meet at Starbucks this AM for a quick morning pick me up-- Note: the new Marble Mocha Macchiato is very delish!
(pls note the semi-fem mullet)
I also accidentally wore pants that had a big hole in the crotch to work today. Thank goodness there is a tailor downstairs. After a few minutes of being pant-less in our lobby, I was all sewed up and ready for the day.
Finally, if you haven't tried this new website, it's pretty fun: http://www.myheritage.com/ What you do is upload a picture of yourself and it "matches" your facial features to celebrities. Now, I am not convinced of it's accuracy because it told me I looked like Tommy Lasorda, Belinga looked like David Beckham, and my co-workers grandmother looked like 50 Cent, Cuba Gooding, Jr and Dennis Rodman (pls note she is approx an 80-year old white woman)
Loyal Readers,
Once again, Oprah Winfery has catapulted her fat, ego-centric self into my life.
The Soup would like to give a big shout out to 1/2 of the reason I am here today! That's right,
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Last nights Super Bowl XL party was Porkopolis
Last night I got into a fight for 20 minutes with a telemarketer and at the end of the
My most hated non-celeb is back in the news again: Cindy Sheehan has been arrested at the Capitol building for continuing her anti-war movement after being warned such displays are not allowed on the House floor.