I hate Cindy Sheehan
My most hated non-celeb is back in the news again: Cindy Sheehan has been arrested at the Capitol building for continuing her anti-war movement after being warned such displays are not allowed on the House floor.

Hey Cindy, WE GET IT. You're against the war like most of the country. Your estranged son who you didn't even raise (and saw once in the last 12 years) who volunteered to go fight the war on terror in Iraq was killed. It's a terrible loss and there are many families out there who share your grief.
News Flash-the President is never going to meet with you, and do you want to know why? Because if every parent of the thousands of soldiers that have been killed wanted to meet with the President of the United States, I'm pretty sure there would be little time for anything else.
In addition, what about people who wanted to meet with him about their thoughts on other things like, world hunger, AIDS, animal abuse, what is indecent on TV or even Brangelina? Then all hell would break loose and you would see even more protesters asking, "Why did the president meet with her and not me...blah blah"
Anyway, I try to refrain from political commentary, but Cindy Sheehan really burns me. If she wants to do something to help, how about you redirect your energy support the men and women that are over there or even help support the families that have lost loved ones as well.
Ok, I am done.
In other news, tomorrow is one of my favorite holidays, GROUNDHOG DAY! Phil? Phil Connors?
And don't forget that she ALREADY had a chance to meet the president in June 2004. She said it was "one of the most disgusting experiences I ever had and it took me almost a year to even talk about it." So now she wants a second go round...
To show she's even more out of touch with reality, she's considering a Senate run!
I can't believe she's using her son as a political tool to get herself into the spotlight - and possibly run as a senator. Apparently the press loves her - but in reality all she's good for is people to either pity her, or laugh at her. I can't see how she can even respect herself, let alone look at herself in the mirror and take life seriously.
Amen, Borden. Amen.
"It was his decision knowing the risks involved." (he was lied to, just like the rest of us.)
"I can't believe she's using her son as a political tool to get herself into the spotlight - and possibly run as a senator."
(yea, she probably sends money to iraq for suicide bombers, so that she can have a war to protest, and then run for senate.)
"She said it was "one of the most disgusting experiences I ever had and it took me almost a year to even talk about it."
(bushie called her "mom" because he couldnt remember her name. i'd call that insulting.)
*these are all reasons why i'm SO HAPPY i don't live in washington dc. closed mindedness, groupthink and conservative overload.
Hey, Anonymous #3- Why not use your real name?
i hate that women shes the only one on a hunger strike that will really make a big impact for one person on a hunger strikee the lady should be in a nut house. also her son volunteered for the military what did he think the military did sit around and do nothing they actually fight wars that wat their there for.
Hay Bitch like the man said "Your estranged son who you didn't even raise (and saw once in the last 12 years", get off your high horse. If you don't like the USA then MOVE, NO ONE will miss you in fact I would help pay for your move the first $5,000.00 is on me. Maybe you could move to a country that would shoot you for the trader you are.
I am a veteran of the Multi-National Peacekeeping Force in Beirut, Lebanon 1983-1985. When I joined, I knew the risk and I joined anyway. I am a proud veteran. Had I been killed in the bombing of the Marine Barracks and my mother or father carried on like Cindy Sheehan, I'd come back and haunt them till the day they died. While I was there, my parents supported me and my fellow servicemen. They did not agree with why I was there but they did not make asses of themselves or shame me by using my name as a soapbox to spout their political adgenda. She should be ashamed of herself.
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