It's about 11:00am and a lot of things have happened today. La and I decided to meet at Starbucks this AM for a quick morning pick me up-- Note: the new Marble Mocha Macchiato is very delish!
Anyway, while people watching in Tysons we see a woman sporting a really trendy leather Hard Rock Cafe, Washington DC, letter jacket. First of all, its not only bad she was sporting HRC gear in the first place, but she was also sporting a local venue! It's (kinda, but not much) more acceptable if it was like Tokyo or Sydney or Hong Kong, but Washington DC? Not OK. To assist you all with the mental picture of this trendsetting attire, here is the picture I took of her:

(pls note the semi-fem mullet)
I also accidentally wore pants that had a big hole in the crotch to work today. Thank goodness there is a tailor downstairs. After a few minutes of being pant-less in our lobby, I was all sewed up and ready for the day.
Finally, if you haven't tried this new website, it's pretty fun: What you do is upload a picture of yourself and it "matches" your facial features to celebrities. Now, I am not convinced of it's accuracy because it told me I looked like Tommy Lasorda, Belinga looked like David Beckham, and my co-workers grandmother looked like 50 Cent, Cuba Gooding, Jr and Dennis Rodman (pls note she is approx an 80-year old white woman)
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