Do Not Call
Last night I got into a fight for 20 minutes with a telemarketer and at the end of the

It was very aggravating and needless to say I have reported them to the FCC. Here is the transcript (starting at 9:15pm):
me: hello
him: hi, i am calling to let you know that you have an excellent credit score with our company.
me: ok
him: i am calling from the publishers of your magazines, are all your subscriptions going OK?
me: actually, I have been fighting to get my Real Simple magazine that I ordered in August.
him: we can fix that, it's Real Simple
me: haha
him: so all you have to do is pay us a small processing fee for your magazine and we'll pay your subscription fees.
me: what do you mean I have to pay you?
him: we have a promotion and we'll pay your subscription fees of all your magazines and you'll pay is $2.00 a week (or $19.93 a month)
me: wait a minute, I have to pay you for magazines I am already getting a subscription from
him: (repeat) all you have to pay is a small processing fee
me: why would I do that, I am already getting my magazines for free as gifts, why should I pay you?
him: (repeat) all you have to pay is a small processing fee
me: I don't understand why I would pay you money for something I am already getting
him: we pay your subscription fee and you pay us a small processing fee
me: so you're telling me if I don't pay you additional money I won't get my magazines anymore
him: I didn't say that
me: (getting angry) clearly we are having a communication breakdown here, can I speak to your supervisor
him: um, they are busy
me: well go find one
(oh hold)
him: OK, let me explain this to you. we pay your magazine subscriptions and you pay us the small processing fee of $19.93 a month
me: SMALL? what is 20 time 12
him: I don't have a calculator
me: that's $240, I hardly call that a small fee.
him: but we pay all your subscription fees
me: all my fees? how many magazines do you think I get?
him: I don't know I just started here
me: I could get US Weekly at the newsstand for less that $240 a year!
him: yeah, but you pay us this small fee
me: I don't want to pay you anything, don't charge me anything
him: we won't charge you, we'll send you a print out of your magazines
me: I don't want anything from you, I want to keep getting what I am getting without paying this fee
him: ma'am are you going to be OK?
me: huh?
him: you have a good night, click.
Now, in hindsight I should have hung up on him a lot earlier in the convo, but at that point I just wanted to understand what the hell he was talking about. So I have reported the "Office of the Magazine Publishers" (as if all mags have the same publishers) to the FCC for 1) violating the time of day calling and 2) violating the do not call list.
And on top of it, this man has my name, address and phone. So if I wind up dead, can someone please get this blog to Matt Lauer?
Thank you for my biggest laugh of the day.
ok, so NOW i get it. wow. i wonder if people actually fall for that?
and, yeah. eff the "we don't have a two cheeseburger value meal" peeps. YOU HAVE ALL THE COMPONENTS.
"i'm going to send all of my friends copies of "supersize me now, dammit!"
That's frickin awesome! I'm sorry he hung up on you, but this is seriously a story that's made my day =P
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