Dear Mickey Rourke..
please wash your hair.

Just when I thought you couldn't do anything dumber, you do something like this... and completely redeem yourself!
After many requests I thought I would post the recipe for the super easy and super delicious Sausage Dip inspired by the Grahambler! Sorry I didn't take any pictures last time I made it. Next time I will, I promise.
This weekend was very worldly for Bordenia. On Friday night after an unsuccessful hunt for a holiday sweater for Rommie, we braved the parking lots and the crowed to see Slumdog Millionaire. I can easily say it was one of the best movies I have seen in such a long time. The story is both emotional and heart warming and the acting is amazing. At the end of the movie I was ready pull a Brangelina and adopt a little Indian baby just like Jamal.
Between Booz, Crate, wedding planning and the holidays my winter has been very hectic! I apologize for the lack of posts on the Soup- I promise to try and do better in the future.
So my brother and sister-in-law were in town for the weekend! We had a great weekend including having lunch and Phillips in the harbor and catching a baseball game up at Camden Yards. Here are some pictures: