
Everything I do

I know this is old news, but Lindsay Lohan was admitted to a London hospital last Friday to get 10 stitches in her shin from a spill with a teacup in Bryan Adam's $5 million "mansion".

So according to Star magazine, "She and her friends were preparing breakfast, with eggs and everything, and Lindsay was going up the stairs, carrying a ceramic teacup," Dina explains to Star. "She had just come out of the shower so she was still wet and had some lotion on, and she completely flipped on the stairs since it was slippery...."

Does anyone else think its weird that she was making breakfast and showering at Bryan Adam's house in London? They say he is a Lohan "family friend" who lets her and her entourage stay there while in London. Oh give me a break, GET A HOTEL. Secondly, how is Bryan affording a $5 million mortgage, especially since LL is paying him with BJ's? What was his last successful gig? Anyone?

I just don't get it, hopefully next time she goes to the hospital she won't come out.


At 5:14 PM, Blogger lala said...

maybe they will give summer of 69 new meaning this year.

damn, enough with the bad sexual innuendo dad jokes today, la.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger LKBeglis said...

Circa 1992 inside joke: Take me as I am. Take my wife. I will give her up, I will sacrifice.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Sara said...

BRYAN is scheduled to perform 7 July 2006 at the "Glueckaufkampfbahn" in Gelsenkirchen (Essen) in Germany as part of the FIFA Football World Cup FAN FEST Celebrations.



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