Major Music Alert.
I have come to the realization that my music tastes are essentially on par with a middle aged woman.
My current XM station of choice is The Blend which is where, "you'll hear nothing but adult favorites, from Elton John, Billy Joel, Madonna, Hall & Oates, and lots more..."
(Note: currently playing, Tina Turner's What's Love Got to Do with It) Which reminds me of when Ike Tuner (Laurence Fishburne) beat the shit out of Tina (Angela Bassett) and she responds by saying, "Is that your best shot? Huh? You can't do no better than that?" Classic.
Anyway, so Brown Sara and I might be some of the biggest Phil Collins fans under the age of 40, ever. BS and I have gone as far as to drive by his house in Beverly Hills, CA, and also feel the need to call each other and sing his songs whenever they are heard on the radio (After Hours is a hot time for Phil's hits)

While I am sitting here at my desk listening to the adult contemporary station minding my business, Easy Lover (aka the Ode to BS) begins to play and I, obviously, get very excited. I glance over to my radio and see the artist is Philip Bailey! So I listen for a few versus and determine that it is in fact, Phil Collins, singing.
I immediately call BS where we uncover this major music alert, Easy Lover is a duet with Philip Bailey and Phil Collins.
This is brand new information and, from my perspective, really shakes the solid ground my fan-hood is based on. It's not that I feel jilted that Phil would sing in a duet (since he was a member of Genesis and the majority of musical classics are duets). It's that I didn't know the song was a duet and XM would have the audacity to give Philip Bailey top billing over Phil Collins. I mean, who has ever heard of Philip Bailey? Easy Lover is clearly one of Phil Collins greatest hits.
Now poor Shar is now going to have to pay for both Phil and Phillip to perform at BS's wedding.
The very foundation of my being was rocked by this knowledge. However, it doesn't change my deep-seeded love for Phil--this Philip Bailey imposter is trying to ride the coattails of my Phil.
At least Philip Bailey will feel right at home at my wedding...
Dude, Phil totally pulled a 'James Frey.' I see a new Oprah/Phil Collins interview in our future.
phillip bailey is one of the lead singers of the group Earth, Wind & Fire the other being Maurice White. The group is on of the most legendary R&B artistes of all time. An FYI phil collins is one of their biggest fans. He even employed their horn section the phoneix horns on some of his records e.g sussudio. They have been in existence for over 35 years and are still performing and recording. lol
google him if you want to
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