
Glamour Shots.

Someone needs to give Jessica Simpson the memo that she has officially jumped the shark. I will admit that back in the day when Irresistible was a hit, I was a big fan. But now, she is way too over publicized and has just become plain BORING. I really don't give a crap about what she is wearing, what she is doing, whose pole she is smoking, or about how she cleared her acne up by using Proactive.

I know that this memo is hardly breaking news, but the Soup was on hiatus and I am catching up.

I have been on Team Nick for quite awhile now, but in light of the LAME LAME LAME pictures of her in Maxim, I would like to share my feelings with the world (or to the 5 readers I have that already know I hate her).

Here's a preview of her "sexy" pictures. This is not sexy...It's a Glamour Shot.

ps- nice one piece. Did Joe made you cover up the rest of your body because it's for his eyes only during your private time together?


At 9:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Did you see Ashlee's new video? She looks like a skinnier, hotter version of her sick ass sister. The war of the Simpson sluts has begun. Keep your eyes peeled.

At 3:43 AM, Blogger LKBeglis said...

Jim and I both agree that she never once used Pro-Active. It's lies I tell you! LIES!!!

I enjoyed your use of the phrase "Jump the Shark."


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