Team Kaysar.
FINALLY my summer, summer, summertime guilty pleasure is back. No, it's not Will Smith, but BIG BROTHER!!
Thanks to the roomie, my obsession for this show started about this time last year with my extreme alliance to the sovereign six-ish (janelle, howie, rachel, kaysar, james, sarah and michael) and my disturbingly strong hatred towards the nerd heard. I was, in fact, so obsessed with this show that I should have charged my time at work towards a BB number...get it? Big Brother number ( joke for all the BAH readers out there)
Anywhoo, Season 6 ended with stupid Cappy's homely partner Maggie winning (who was the lesser of two evils since she was up against the Ivette, the loud-mouth, cuban, lesbian from Miami.) A few days after the finale I got on with my "life" and began to obsess about other reality shows (can I get a shout-out for BJ and Tyler)
Well- TODAY IS THE BIG DAY. This season has begun and it's an All-Star season. Basically CBS picked 20 people from the last 6 seasons and are allowing America to vote for the 12 they want into the house. Since I have only watched the last season, the roomie had to coach me on who to like from Seasons 1-5. When Julie Chen (barf) got to announcing the Season 6 candidates, all my emotions flooded back...and here I am writing this post instead of being in bed.
So here it official All-Star line up for BB 7:

#1- kaysar (my all time fav BB housemate ever!) ----->
#2- howie (my #2)
#3- janelle
#4- james
#6- jase
# 7- michael the cowboy
#8- alison
#9- marcellas
#10- monica
#11- dana
#12- bunky
(for the record I would even be OK if Ivette made it in too)
Check back on July 6th too see how my all star house compares to the real one. Remember- Vote KAYSAR
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