MTv News, you hear it.....first

"You know, what ever happened to Kennedy?"
As if I am Miss Cleo or something, I then found this article in yesterdays San Jose Mercury News.
That's right, Lisa Kennedy Montgomery will be hosting Fox Reality Channel's "Reality Remix,'' a daily update on all things in the world of reality series.
Note: I highly recommend the Fox Reality Channel. They air both Temptation Island and Paradise Hotel (which is arguably one of the best reality shows of all time).
Speaking of which, did you know:
American Idol’s third-place contestant, Nikki McKibbin and Paradise Hotel and Love Cruise’s resident Yahtzee!-playing, bug-eyed freak-out queen, Toni Ferrari are sisters?

it's like we're prophets or something. like mohammed. but you're not brown. but i am.
Kennedy got married? Ew.
Toni Ferrari is the most hideous man/woman I've ever seen--and she's a whiny bitch. Did you guys watch that terrible show Kill Reality? I mean, she blows at acting and then the producer, who is her friend, feels bad for her and WRITES IN a part for her (b/c she didn't make the original cut). She then proceeds to complain about the part and how she wants more lines and can't pronounc Kozlowski. I need her dead, STAT, along with Zack and Amy.
sara always misses the point of everyone's blog entries.
Ha! Miss Cleo.
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