As much of a shock as this is.... nobody, it seems that TomKat's relationship is on the fritz. During a recent holiday bonanza with the Holmes and Cruise family "Tom and Katie ended up leaving -- three days earlier than planned" according to a 'close friend' of Cruise. "Katie was in tears, but that's standard when it comes to dealing with family matters and Tom."

I have an idea, maybe she was in tears because she just realized that she:
1) is engaged to a old midget
2) believes the universe is ruled by aliens
3) has summer-teeth
4) is bearing a bastard child
5) conceived via turkey baster
That is why I would cry, not because the families don't get along. I mean LBH, whose families really get along?
You forgot:
6) Has mouth herpes
7) she has reached her saturation point with regard to attending children's soccer games
8) she can't go to the bathroom without him holding her hand
9) he's been to the eiffel tower before
10) she's making baby j cry
11) Isabella and Conner both suck at playing soccer.
12) Won't get a baby gift from Chris Klein because he has "moved on."
So, is it bad that Jim is reading up on "Silent Birthing" now?
I mean, LBH.
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