Commercials I hate

1) Empire Today - on top of the song being annoying, who buys new floors to get a free turkey?
2) Mattress Warehouse - If I see that jerk pretend to be a part of the mattress warehouse family one more time I am going to punch him in the face.
3) Valtrex-are people with genital herpes really more inclined to enjoy the outdoors?
4) Celebrex- celebrate, celebrate, come on and celebrate
5) Jared- That's Jared (did you know that Jared customer Kelly Discount works at BAH?)
6) Shaws Jewelers- STRAIGHT TO THE HEART

7) Jerry's Subs and Pizza- This could be my #1 most hated radio commercial of all time (celebrity voices have been impersonated) really?
8) Shelor Motor Mile- K92's (Roanoke, Lynchburg) most frequent and annoying advertisor (good call, Jenni)
9) Lamisil- All I have to say is VOM-IT (thanks, La)

um, every kiss begins with k.
but my LEAST favorite EVER (and it has found its way to animated internet ads) is the lamisil commercial where THE GROSS YELLOW TOENAIL LIFTS UP AND THE EVIL GERM CLIMBS UNDERNEATH IT.
hmmm...i also hate "at eastern motors...your job's your credit..." um, my job is not my "credit," its my livelihood. and people who live on credit because it's "free money" need to die.
I 100% agree with you about the gross toenail one, VOM!
However, Eastern Motors RULES-- "over 600 cars, trucks and SUV's are you listening man?"
And I proudly stand up (BOOM) next to you...
I hate the Enzyte Commercials for Natural Male Enhancement. Meet Bob! He's got a huge smile on his face because now he and his wife can get busy!
i LOVE the tmobile commercial with the caffeinated cheerleader. i crack up eevrytime i see it.
Toenails = Feet = Nasty Business ....agree regarding the Lamisil!
Though watch it with Celebrex...those ads and Rx's pay my salary :)
That Lamisil commercial gives me NIGHTMARES, especially when he flicks up the toenail... ech.
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I think you need to see
Commercials I .
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